
Tips To Buy Good Compact Cameras

Compact cameras are designed to provide creative control. They are usually less bulk as compared to the DSLRs. But they provide the same options of high quality image and options to attach different lenses. Also, their shape and size are handy. The only drawback is that they use contrast detect method of focusing while DSLRs use the phase detect method of focussing. The contrast detect method is comparatively slower.

Contrast detection method adjusts its focus where the contrast is highest, just a forward and backward movement. In the phase detection system, light passes through the lens, hits a reflex mirror to a penta prism and then finally out through the view finder. Hence it is heavy.

Here are some of the tips to buy the best compact camera

• Select a simple point and shoot camera unless otherwise, it is to be used for professional purposes.

• An expensive or a branded product doesn’t mean it is the best compact camera. Always judge the cameras based on their product specification

• The camera should be handy and well suited to travel

• One should be able to hold the camera firmly. Different hands get comfortable with different sizes. Therefore feel and hold the camera before making the purchase

• Count on the accessories given by the manufacturer along with the camera. Compare the price differences amongst different brands counting on the accessories

• Never just settle down for a higher pixel alone. One cannot find the difference between the 5 MP and 13 MP picture qualities. Check for other specifications like lens focal length, light reflection, etc.

• See if the camera is quick enough in capturing a picture. The speed of capture should be less than or equal to 0.2 seconds for a good camera

• Check on the zoom quality